Better DenturesSometimes a removable denture is the best or only option. If you are unhappy with your dentures, if they are loose, ugly, look like dentures to everyone, are embarrassing and you are not confident eating and in company we can help. By constructing new dentures using special impression techniques, using high aesthetic denture teeth, laboratories who understand that a denture should look like a real set of teeth and taking our time to ensure you are happy before the dentures are finished we can make you more comfortable and confident. The need for sticky denture adhesive will be reduced or eliminated. In some cases we place a small number of dental implants to support dentures which helps keep them tight, prevents bone loss and prevents the dentures from moving. Even people who have worn dentures all their life can avail of the advantages of dental implants. If you have no teeth your VHI insurance may help pay for implant treatment to stabilise lower dentures. Upper dentures can also be supported by implants and will no longer require a palate. As a lot of people with complete dentures have not had dental treatment in many years, we offer sedation services should you require them for increased comfort. There is a huge difference between good and bad dentures. Dentures at Dublin Specialist Dentistry are a little more expensive than your average denture, that's because they are better fitting, looking, more comfortable and retentive. If you want something better a prosthodontist is the dental specialist to achieve an optimum result. See some more cases by Dr. Fitzgerald here |