Dublin Specialist Dentistry
The veneers is a conservative restoration used most often in Cosmetic Dentistry. If done well a veneer is both strong and aesthetic. Below are some before and after cases done by Dr. Fitzgerald. In most cases bleaching of the teeth was carried out in conjunction with the laminate veneer.



Case Study: Veneers used to straighten crooked teeth.
Case Study: This patient was missing a upper left molar which was replaced with a single dental implant. Also she wanted to whiten her teeth. Using the KoR deep bleaching method her upper and lower teeth were whitened. An old white filling on a upper right lateral incisor did not bleach and was replaced with a porcelain laminate veneer. An excellent aesthetic result was achieved. In close-up of the veneer it is hard to see which tooth has the restoration, this is the result achievable with good quality prosthodontics.